Hack-A-Thon Aims to Boost Additive Manufacturing Skills and Adoption

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Announcements, Events

The Manufacturing & Export Enhancement (MEE) Cluster is excited to announce the Industrial Additive Manufacturing Hack-A-Thon.  The Hack-A-Thon is offered through Red Deer Polytechnic’s Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing – Technology Access Centre (CIM-TAC) in partnership with the MEE Cluster, the Alberta Additive Manufacturing Network (AAMN), with sponsorship from Altair Inc

The Industrial Hack-A-Thon encompasses the essence of the MEE cluster by promoting collaboration, fostering manufacturing innovation, and de-risking adoption of advanced manufacturing solutions by building critical skills within the industry.

If you are a Western Canada based manufacturer investigating 3D printing as a manufacturing solution, this may be the perfect opportunity for your organization to gain an understanding of the ‘design for Additive Manufacturing’ concept and for your workforce to develop hands-on experience with advanced digital design and simulation software, process and material selection.  Participating organizations will work in teams to develop a solution in a practical setting from the early design stage through to prototyping with guidance and training from project partners and sponsors.

If you are an end-user, submitting a design challenge may be the perfect opportunity to support the development of critical skills and the proliferation of Additive Manufacturing within your supply chain.  Are you a company with a product that would like to take advantage of the benefits of a design using Additive Manufacturing but do not have the resources to invest in the re-design?  This may be the perfect opportunity to re-design the product at little to no cost.

The deadline for expressing interest to participate in the Hack-A-Thon or submitting a design challenge, is September 15th (extended from August 15th), 2022.  The Hack-A-Thon will kick off in September with finalized designs due by January 31st, 2023.  Click here to download the official Hack-A-Thon information package.  For additional information please send an email to info@albertaamn.com.