To create, develop and promote a united group of highly skilled, fairly compensated and respected Aboriginal workers supporting their families in healthy communities.
To create and expand a new worker-based organization, in partnership with the Canadian Union of Skilled Workers and other supportive organizations that will:
- Advance the principles and ideas of trade unionism in the Aboriginal culture, and shape it accordingly to Aboriginal cultural needs and heritage.
- Develop relationships with trade schools, Aboriginal employers, Aboriginal organizations and other similar bodies for the purpose of training and upgrading new and existing members.
- Assist skilled workers to obtain employment contracts, become contractors, develop the capacity to bid on significant work projects, and train more workers.
- Create a forum for discussing and resolving labour relations issues that are unique to Aboriginal circumstances, such as respect for First Nations or Metis authority, alternate dispute resolution processes, etc.
- Work with existing training centers to develop journeymen and certification levels.
- Participate in research projects involving Aboriginal labour force development issues.
- Provide access to workers benefits, which shall include: training, access to employment, fair collective bargaining agreements, health plans, insurance, retirement benefits, safe and healthy workplaces, and representation at the bargaining table.
- Promote Aboriginal content in the skilled workforce and facilitate new and existing employment agreements which mandate a minimum level of Aboriginal employment.
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